Sunday, January 25, 2009

Double Jeopardy

I was walking my dog through the apartment complex when I came upon a man in a mesh tank top. By now, you have probably already surmised that he was a black man.

We had a nice conversation. I commented on his shirt and he gave me surprisingly detailed directions to the store where he bought it. The whole time we were talking I was thinking back to college and the paper I wrote on Double Jeopardy. The feminist theory that proposes (is there really any doubt) that black women have two social strikes at birth. If that is true, then doesn't a gay black man also have two? A fucking black lesbian is out already.

There is a tangible dislike of homosexuality in the black community. So, a black man, with all the social challenges that entails, also has to deal with the seething hatred that is (while no means universal) very real in his own community. Plus white people hate gay people too. This may surprise you, but there are many of them that don't like black people either. Maybe even worse are the white people who are destructively ambivalent about black people and religiously fueled to hate gay people. I really hate them. So, gay black guys are screwed.

I was thinking all this as I was talking to him, so I asked him what he thought.

I explained my theory that people's hatred of gay people, while truly rooted in the basic hatred of that which is different, hinges on the belief that homosexuality is a lifestyle and not an orientation. He was fluent in feminist theory and we discussed double jeopardy at length. He agreed that the gay black male is doubly prejudiced but said, "Hot cock is definitely worth it."

So, there's that.

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